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Personal Project + Ideas

Most of the independent projects I did was around the LGBTQ+ community. As a proud member of this community, I wish to utilize my abilities as a designer to make an impact.

Personal Project + Ideas: Project
屏幕快照 2018-05-27 上午12.36.01.png

Senior Capstone Project on Homosexuality in China

(2018 Spring) LGBTQ+

For my Capstone project, a graduation requirement in my high school, I decided to focus on Homosexuality in China. I did research on the Chinese LGBTQ+ group from both historical and modern perspectives, interviewed several members in the LGBTQ+ community, and finished a series of artwork. For the artwork, I combined traditional Chinese Painting techniques, symbolizing the history and culture of China, with homosexual content — a taboo subject in China — symbolizing the level of openness that I wish to see evolve in China. I really want to express to my country that embracing differences and diversity now is not erasing or taking away our tradition and history; instead, it adds another aspect to our mindset and acknowledges a world hidden from view.

Since this project is under China's context, some of the phrases/concepts might seem ambiguous and inaccurate when appearing in English. For example, China is still on its way to understand the wide variety of sexualities and sexual orientations, thus its current understanding for "bisexual" is purely a combination of homosexuality and heterosexuality instead of an independent identity. 

This is also the reason why I named the title "Homosexuality in China" but also included bisexual people in my interview and drawing series. 

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Personal Project + Ideas: 作品集
屏幕快照 2018-05-27 上午12.36.01.png

Capstone presentation slideshow

Motivation - homosexuality in Chinese history - The difficulties that queer people in China face - the reasons why LGBTQ+ people in China are not widely accepted - interview - art series - reflection

Personal Project + Ideas: Welcome

If you are interested in watching the video of my lecture/presentation, please feel free to contact me!

Personal Project + Ideas: 內嵌

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Personal Project + Ideas: 內嵌

Definition of Love

(2017 Spring) Love

Nothing attracts me more than the idea of love. Holding that thought, I decided to look into words with either beautiful or deep meanings, described each using an abstract drawing, and connected them to love. 

The whole piece summarizes what love is from infinite perspectives. 

Personal Project + Ideas: 專案
Personal Project + Ideas: 作品集

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Personal Project + Ideas: 內嵌

Overseas Chinese Student Rainbow League (In progress)

(2019 Fall) LGBTQ+

I intend to found an organization that focuses on Chinese LGBTQ+ students studying abroad. Under the big organization, there will be smaller Wechat groups for each university's Chinese LGBTQ+ student community. The groups share information about LGBTQ+ resources within their school as well as news happening in China regarding LGBTQ+ issues, and there can be an exchange of event programming ideas between groups. The organization will inform students about LGBTQ+ events or interns in China that they can turn to for summer break.

Up to now, I created Cornell's Chinese LGBTQ+ students Wechat group, which currently holds about 70 people, and has already begun to share more about Cornell's resources as well as opportunities.

Personal Project + Ideas: 專案

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Personal Project + Ideas: 內嵌

Homeless Shelter for Chinese LGBTQ+ Youth Homeless/Runaways (In progress)

(2020 Spring) LGBTQ+  

I intend to provide a series of homeless shelter interior designs proposals specifically for Chinese LGBTQ+ Youth Homeless/Runaways. These designs will not only provide refuge and basic resources, but will also feature a welcoming and ambient environment through careful planning.

Personal Project + Ideas: 專案
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